027 562 4446 richard@adlib.co.nz

Create your own professional eye-catching and engaging video at scale

Now you can control your own video production with confidence of quality, supply and cost

1. Shoot

We’ll supply you with all the gear and the training you’ll need to use it. You’ll get one-on-one support and feedback as well as regular creative brain storming sessions.

2. Upload

Once you’ve finished filming, upload the files through our secure online portal. All your files are stored here and you can easily view and leave comments as the editing progresses.

3. Edit

Here’s where we take over with the heavy lifting required in the edit. Cutting, colour grading, audio, music, logos, graphics and output files. Your videos will look (and sound) a million bucks.

4. Release

Once ready, download the final video file and make it live. Google Campaigns, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. Plus your owned media – Screens, Website, Intranet and EDMs.

Video can increase conversion rates by 80%
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Adding video to your social mix means audiences are 10 times more likely to engage and share your post
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“We’re particularly pleased with our progress in video as we move towards a world where video is at the heart of all of our services”
– Mark Zukerberg Facebook
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Video improves chances of a front-page Google result by 50x
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More than 80% of all consumer internet traffic will be video within five years